Have a Clear Path to Financial Freedom

Make your business work FOR you!


More Certainty

More Money


More Time

You work too hard to be financially stuck

We provide business, tax, accounting, and operational strategies that maximize your personal wealth. Stop spending your valuable time putting out fires and reclaim control of your business. Your dedication deserves financial and personal freedom.

Have Your Dream Advisor

Experience the devotion and commitment of an integrated Unboxed Advisor.

Maximize Your Money

Grow your wealth by implementing strategic insights and personalized solutions.

Follow a Clear Path Forward

Say goodbye to doubts as we guide you to where your money will work best for you.

We Don’t Just Get to Know Your Business.

We Get to Know You.

Tax Savings Strategies Implemented




Making it Happen

Get the Conversation Started

Begin your journey with us through an initial conversation. This is a relaxed and informal get-to-know-you call where we assess your needs, discuss your goals, and determine if we are the right fit for each other. It’s an opportunity for you to share your vision, and for us to understand how we can best support you on your financial journey.

Get Personal

Building a strong financial foundation is a collaborative process. We work closely with you, gathering insights into your unique circumstances and concerns to implement winning strategies.

Get Back In Control

Because now you have an integrated advisor who is devoted and committed to you.

Magic happens when plans come together.

Taxes. Business. Personal. Financial. One Place.

As a successful entrepreneur, you’ve reached some impressive heights, but let’s be real – the road to true financial freedom can be unclear. We offer an integrated approach, taking you from financial uncertainty to clarity, ensuring a legacy that resonates with you and your future plans.

This Firm is NOT a CPA Firm.

We’ve completely transformed traditional CPA services to cater to your unique needs, offering a membership program that delivers comprehensive support exactly where and when you need it. As accounting renegades, we challenge conventions and drive efficiency to propel you forward as a leader in pursuit of ultimate financial freedom. Our integrated approach ensures seamless collaboration among your various experts, from financial advisors to estate planners, all orchestrated by your dedicated advisor. Together, we’ll craft a personalized plan that covers every angle of your personal, business, financial, and wealth aspirations, ensuring every aspect of your financial journey aligns with your goals.

Get Unboxed From the Start

We’ll give you a recording of the meeting along with an outline of the items you need to follow-up on so that you can share accountability within your organization.

Available for $2,999!

Entity Sandboxes
  • State options
  • Federal designations
  • What you are now
  • EIN & Required filings
  • Make a Smart S Corp Election
Key Income Concepts
  • Cash basis defined
  • Types of income
  • Self-employment income
  • Best way to pay yourself
  • Paying taxes quarterly on your income
  • Profitability intentions – Hobby vs. Business
  • Material participation and passive/nonpassive income
  • Real estate limitations and possibilities
  • FAQ’s on capital gains
  • Defining ordinary and necessary
  • Required documentation/support
  • Receipt rules
  • Deduction Do’s & Don’ts
  • Typical questions – autos, travel, meals, entertainment, contractor vs. employee
  • Cost deduction vs. Capitalization (improvements, depreciation, de minimis)
  • Retirement plan options
  • Incentive compensation for employees
Accounting Requirements
  • Software selection & automation
  • Bookkeeping roles & responsibilities
  • Importance of reconciling
  • Monthly accounting checklist
  • Frequency of financial reports
  • Using financial reports to make decisions
  • Chart of accounts / Buckets
  • Year-End close tasks
  • Segregation of business/personal activity
  • Discuss applicability and deadlines related to: sales tax, 1099’s, payroll taxes
  • Internal Controls / Checks & Balances
Other Important Subjects
  • State filing requirements
  • Deadlines to manage – Federal and State
  • ICOE 25 – Important Relationships
  • Tax planning vs preparation
  • Corporate Transparency Act
  • Business operations framework
  • Sales, marketing & business growth tactics
  • Doc retention & IT tablestakes
  • Asset protection
  • Annual business blueprint

Member Pricing

Unboxed Experts.

You’re Different. Us Too.

Susan Bryant, CPA, CTC

Susan Bryant, CPA, CTC


Catherine Meyer

Catherine Meyer



Start the Conversation

1341 W Mockingbird Lane
Suite 600W, PMB #503
Dallas, TX 75247

(209) 862-6933


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